
Max认证培训师 - 翁若伦简历

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Shanghai, China

Email:  allen1991shcm@gmail.com







多次参与交互式多媒体演出的工程设计搭建和科研,作为审稿人参与国际计算机音乐大会论文审稿,包括:由法国国家音乐创作机构 GRAME 中心主持的多项音乐与科技项目,上海音乐学院国际电子音乐周(EMW);第 43/44 届国际计算机音乐大会(ICMC-2017/2018),ICMC-2017 期间发表的论文获得最佳论文奖;上海国际艺术节扶持青年艺术家计划(RAW 2014/2017/2021),上演其参与主创作品及装置作品展;2018年国际 Faust 音频语言大会,进行论文宣讲;2019IRCAM 国际论坛主题演讲;2020年国际计算机音乐新界面大会(NIME2020)论文宣讲及海报展示。 



WENG Ruolun:

WENG Ruolun is a Sound artist, Music Technology / Computer Music Engineer, New Media Interactive Designer from Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

His main research areas are: Audio processing application development based on smart mobile devices such as mobile phones, innovated musical instrument design; Realization and design based on the "augmented reality" stage of new media theater; Using sensors to extend the expressions of musicians/performers, processing electronic audio effects in real-time; Interactive music/multimedia installations for art exhibitions.


More etails:

WENG Ruolun is a Sound artist, Music Technology / Computer Music Engineer, New Media Interactive Designer from Shanghai Conservatory of Music. He got his Master of Music Technology in Shanghai Conservatory of Music and Master Degree of RIM in University Jean Monnet in Saint Etienne, France.

His main research areas are: Audio processing application development based on smart mobile devices such as mobile phones, innovated musical instrument design; Realization and design based on the "augmented reality" stage of new media theater; Using sensors to extend the expressions of musicians/performers, processing electronic audio effects in real-time; Interactive music/multimedia installations for art exhibitions.

Frequently participating in the festivals like EMW, ICMC, NIME, RAW; immersing in research projects, forums, and realization of concert with the creation and research centers like GRAME, IRCARM, CCRMA, etc.

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